Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Exam Question

What is sustainability?


Gyde Lund said...

The ability to go on, or stay the same forever.

copalmer said...

Sustainablility is the act or acts of a species to ensure life and resources presently and in the future.

Mr. Wilson said...

What does sustainability entail? When answering, think about the entire year's worth of examples and specific details.

anellore said...

Sustainability is keeping the balance between the number of resources used and the population. In other words, it means keeping the amount of resources used only at the minimum amount that we need in order to sustain the population at that time. For example, the U.S. does not use only the minimum amount of energy required to sustain our population. We use a lot more energy than we need for luxury, such as TV, washing machines, computers, refrigerators, and all of the things that we use today. We use the most energy in the world. In poor countries like Mali, they don't have the money to get all of the things that use so much energy. I'm not saying the the U.S. should stop using all of the luxuries, I am just saying that we should use them in moderation. If every single person in the U.S. decreased their energy use by just a little bit, we could decrease the problem of carbon in the atmosphere and global problem.

Meagan M. said...

The defintion of sustainability is the ability to keep life going. Sustainability also means living in a way that preserves the world for future generations. This includes considering hidden costs, maintaining a controlled population size, and practicing sustainable development. I could expalin this more but im kinda tired and i'll worry about it later.

Christine Jackson said...

Sustainability is the ability to live and grow without compromising the ability for future generations to live and grow. At the rate the United States and other countries are using energy, it will be VERY difficult for people 100, 200 or even 1000 years from now to live (using the same sourses of energy we are using today).

shruza said...

Sustainability is the ability to keep life going and it is achieved by practicing sustainable development, moderating human population growth, and reducing hidden costs.
Sustainable development is the achievement of industrial and economic growth in ways that do not cause environmental degradation. Some development is not sustainable such as cutting down forests to make room for factories. This is an example of industrial growth that is not sustainable because deforestation degrades the environment. An example of sustainable development is printing books on recycled paper because recycling preserve the environment’s natural resources and it contributes to economic growth.
The rapidly growing human population is not sustainable. The human population has exceeded the carrying capacity, which is not sustainable because the resources on the earth may be depleted. With a higher number of people, there is a higher demand for food and other resources. There is a limited amount of space to grow food and a limited amount of resources to make other goods that humans need. Overusing land and resources is not sustainable because there will not be any left for future generations.
Reducing hidden costs is helpful in achieving sustainability. Hidden costs are negative impacts on the environment involved in the manufacture, use, and disposal of an item. One example of hidden costs is the fact that most food is transported from places all over the country and the world before if reaches the consumer. The hidden cost is the large amount of fossil fuels that are used in the transportation of the food. Fossil fuels are non-renewable resources so there is a limited amount and using them up makes less available for future generations. If the hidden costs involved in the manufacture, use, and disposal of an item are reduced, the use of the item will be more sustainable.

DeAnna said...

Sustainability is the continuation of life, keeping something alive (maybe a population) in existence. When it comes to relating sustainability to humans, there are a lot of hidden costs. Combustion from all of those factories, cars, and basically any burning of fossil fuels, are all bad for the environment. C02 is a main factor in global warming and greenhouse gases. The world's birth rate is increasing, so we constantly "need" all these materials. So what can we do about it? Live sustainably!There are lots of ways we can be "green": drive eco-friendly cars, recycling, turning off lights and computers when we're not using them, and saving/preventing energy transfer. Not that we're "saving" energy, but insulators prevent heat transfer. Insulators are sustainable. Resources are finite, but whether Earth’s population increases or decreases, that’s our choice.