Thursday, March 13, 2008

The fourth Essential Question

How do we develop our economy and industry without degrading our resources?


Heather Cousins said...

We could take the advice of the author of Cradle to Cradle, the video you showed 102 in class and make the roof tops of buildings greanhouses. That would help the environment and also help our sustainable development.

Gyde Lund said...

We need to practice sustainable development, which means to grow, but to grow in ways that allow people in the future have the same opportunities to grow. So, practice eviromentally friendly techniques.

Christine Jackson said...

It is almost impossible to expand our society without using unsustainable resources such as fossil fuels and metels. To become more sustainable would be to change the way our society lives and grows. We must first find not only sustainable, but reliable, long-lasting and efficient ways to replace fossil fuels. It will take a long time to change to a new energy source, but in the end, there will be little to no negative hidden costs, which will save us time, money, and the environment.

Suzie said...

We develop our economy and industry without degrading our resources by using eco-friendly materials to build that may be costly at first, but will not run out and have less hidden costs than fossil fuels. Some examples would be solar panels to power buildings and power plants, furniture made out of recycled materials (plastic). I agree with Christine in that we first have to find a resource to replace fossil fuels, but after that it will be easier to keep a sustainable economy.