Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Activity 4.4 Question

How is energy transferred from one form to another?


DeAnna said...

Energy is transferred to one form to another.The 1st Law of Thermodynamics can explain this because hotter atoms transfer energy to slower atoms. This can be explained and shown in energy flow diagrams too.

Eloïse said...

There are many different theories and laws on how energy is transferred from one form to another. The ones that we have studied this year are the Kinetic theory by Gustave Hirn, the caloric theory by Joseph Black, The Law of Conservation of Energy, the 2nd law of thermodynamics, and the 1st law of thermodynamics. Also energy flow diagrams and cycles.

Ex. Chemical energy is transferred in the form of food to mechanical energy in animal bodies. We consume food as our chemical energy an as our bodies break it down, we use it as mechanical energy like running, walking,

Christine Jackson said...

Energy can transfer from one form to another because of the Law of Consevation of Energy. This law states that eergy cannot be either created or destroyed, only transformed. Energy transformation can be used for uses, such as "making" electricity. When electricity is generated, fossil fuel or natural gas is burned to create thermal energy. This heat warms up water, which spins a terbine (mechanical energy). This creates electicity.

Christopher Noda said...

Energy cannot be created or destroyed. Therefore when energy appears to disappear it really just changed forms. Most energy is "lost" in the form of thermal energy. This is because most of the thermal energy is a bi product of mechanical energy. In other words when you move and run around, your body is creating a lot of thermal energy it needs to get rid of. Therefore it gives it off in the form of heat. Other forms of energy include Thermal, Mechanical, Radiant, Nuclear, Chemical and Electrical. All of these form can be transformed into a different form by the environment or man made process. I wont get into greater detail but the reason it is so important to understand why energy is constantly changing forms is because it all relates back to sustainability. Most of the fuel wee burn is coal. This produces electrical energy, where as if we used radiant energy from the sun to start out, we eliminate Co2 emissions from the coal and produce a healthier environment.

anellore said...

We know that energy can be transferred from one form to another because of the Law of Conservation of Energy. It states that energy cannot be created or destroyed. That means it doesn't disappear, it just transfers to a different place.

Suzie said...

Energy is transferred from one form to another based on how it is being used. Energy can change forms for different uses. For example, if you ate a piece of food, the food is put into your mouth and you chew it, using mechanical energy. Once swallowed your body converts the food into nutrients using chemical energy. It converts to mechanical energy if you need to walk/run, but it may turn into thermal energy if your body needs to warm up.

mmann said...

The Law of Conservation of Energy states that energy cannot be created or destroyed, so it is transferred. The second law of Thermodynamics states heat flows from areas of higher to lower temperature. That is one way energy (in the form of thermal energy) is transferred. Energy is also transferred is in the forms of electrical, mechanical, nuclear, chemical, radiant and electrical. You can see the transfer of energy by using an energy flow diagram.

bmaples said...

We know that energy can be transfered from one object to another because of the law of conservation of energy.

Lucy Lloyd said...

The law of conservation of energy states that energy is not able to be created or destroyed. This means that when energy leaves, it has changed forms in order to go to another object, material, or the air. Energy always goes somewhere else, it never stops. If you eat a hamburger, the energy from the burger enters your body in the form of chemical energy, giving you energy and calories. Say then you go on a run, you do not give off energy in the same way as it came in, you must give it off as mechanical energy. As you run, and get tired, you burn the energy as mechanical energy. Before the energy leaves, it turns into thermal energy and goes into the air. Energy is transferred from one form to another by changing forms and moving to another source.