Monday, May 19, 2008

Interactive Periodic Table!

Mendeleev look out! These are directions to see a Periodic Table of Elements that are highlighted and show different sections, isotopes, noble gases, metalloids, and other neat stuff.

Directions: Go to google images, type in Peiodic Table. It should be the 4th one.
Mouse over some of the elements! Very good source. Super cool!

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Compounds Vs. Molecules

What are the differences between compounds and molecues

Saturday, May 17, 2008


Mr. Wilson,
Can you help me. You ask, "How does the structure of atoms and molecules affect their behavior" I thought this was a little confusing because our red class never got into the discussion of how atoms behave. Can you help to clarify this

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Exam Question

What is sustainability?

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Fifth and Final Essential Question

How do living and non-living components of earth interact?

The fourth Essential Question

How do we develop our economy and industry without degrading our resources?

The third essential question (3 forms)

How does the structure of atoms and molecules affect their behavior?
Why has humankind organized the periodic table in such a way?
Why did humankind organize the periodic table (as we currently find it)?

The second Essential Question

How do we "use" energy?

The first of 5 Essential Questions

Are we sustainable as a school? As a community? As a society? On a national level? On a global level?

Sunday, February 24, 2008

3.1 and 3.2

What is necessary for fermentation and for cellular respiration? (this question was asked by Mr.Wilson in a response).

Subset to quality of life and co2 emissions

Can you explain the question below that Chris wrote, using three Quality of Life factors? His question: "How do you cut back on CO2 emissions while remaining with the constant struggle to expand and revolutionize technology in a country or Physical system?"
The question:
Can you explain on how to cut back on CO2 emissions while remaining with the constant struggle to revolutionize technology in a country by using three Quality of Life factors?

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Important Question

Co2 is a constant threat to the people in our society today. They constantly face the problem of using to many fossil fuels, and how to cut back on Co2 emissions. The question is how do you cut back on CO2 emissions while remaining with the constant struggle to expand and revolutionize technology in a country or Physical system?
What is the difference between cellular respreation and fermentation?

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Energy and Sustainability

Is it sustainable to continue using non-renewable energy resources? Why or why not.

Consider the impact on the economy and how realistic it is to change. Use any knowledge of our current dependence on non-renewable energy, how non-renewable energy is transformed into electricity and the laws of thermodynamics.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Activity 6.3 Question

How do the inhabitants of different countries (specifically more developed and less developed) use materials and energy?

Activity 6.2 Question

How are CO2 emissions, energy use in the U.S. and surface temperature related?

Activity 6.1 Question

How do we interpret various figures (per capita values) in determining whether a country is more or less developed?

Activity 5.2 Question

What materials serve as the best insulators in cold water bath?

Activity 4.4 Question (AQ#4)

Does the kinetic or caloric theory better explain the results you obtained?

Activity 4.4 Question

How is energy transferred from one form to another?

Activity 4.3 Question

How do we know if a scientific theory is valid?

Activity 4.2 Question

How does the specific heat of an object affect sustainability?

Activity 4.1 Question

How does a calorimeter allow us to measure the amount of energy in an object?

Saturday, February 9, 2008

Activity 3.4 Question

How do energy flow diagrams relate to the 1st Law of Thermodynamics? The laws of thermodynamics in general?

Activity 3.3 Question

If energy is neither created or destroyed, where does it go?

Click on "Comment" to enter your answer

Thursday, February 7, 2008

Activity 3.2 Question

How do organisms respond to varying environmental conditions (i.e. temperature)?

Respond with your thoughts by clicking on the comment button

Activity 3.1 Essay Type Question

How does a change in temperature affect the rate at which yeast go through cellular respiration?

Hit the comment button to post your response.

Thursday, January 31, 2008

Exam Question

There will be a question on the exam that asks you to choose 3 of the "quality of life" measures discussed in Activity 6.1. You will be asked to explain why and how they indicate the level of development (i.e. more developed or less developed) in a country. Use the blog to caucus with your fellow 8th graders by posting "comments".

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

#11 on the Test

A few students came up to me on Friday asking about #11 on the test. They said that you could not answer it with the information given. I looked at it and gave it back saying you could. I should correct myself. Using the information from the lab, which was the assumption I was working from, you could, but as is written, you cannot answer the question. Having said that, the question is based on the the parameters from the book: 75mL of hot water is poured into the calorimeter and the various substances are placed in between the inner and outer wall of the calorimeter. Post your questions to this blog if you have any further ones. Ms. Bonebrake and I will be out on Thursday and Friday for a conference on sustainability.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Welcome Class of 2012

This weblog was set up last year to help 8th grade science students prepare for tests/exams and to allow you a way to easily answer each others questions. In a few weeks, we will begin work on the class wiki which will serve as your study guide for the T2 science exam, which is on February 21st.