Friday, February 16, 2007

More Developed vs. Less Developed Nations

  • What factors would you choose to determine whether a country is more developed or less developed?
  • Are more developed countries more sustainable? Why or why not?
  • What patterns do you notice between more developed countries and less developed?


tjteddyjones said...

If I had to choose a difference between a less developed and more developed country, It would probably be based on technology. If the countries used tractors and other devices to help them do their every day jobs, I would consider them more developed. Less developed countries would use human labor to d oevery day jobs/activities. More developed countries would be less sustainable in my opinon because they use more non-renewable resources then other countries that use manual labor. These resources will become less useful and more rare in the future. Some patterns I notice between more developed and less developed countries are that they all use the same resources except that they are either harder to get or they don't have enough money to buy and use them.

Unknown said...

Other factors used to determine whether a country is more or less developed are 1)their energy use per capita, 2)the number of people educated, 3)the percent of income spent on food, and 4)their population- more developed countries tend to have an increasing population.

Addie said...

Factors that I would choose to determine whether a country is more developed or less developed would be the energy use per capita, schooling, % of income spent on foodm and the amount of people in the country (population). More developed countries are more sustainable and less sustainable than less developed countries. They are more sustainable becasue they have more money and access to items and resources that other countries don't. They are less sustainable also becasue they don't use items and resources that they find and produce they use items and resourced that are either bought or somewhat bought. For instance...less developed countries might have hens and go out and collect the eggs to make lets say, pancakes. And then we go to the store (in most cases) and buy the eggs...which probably came from somewhere in their countries area, where people are actually finding and producing those eggs. The patterns that I notice between more developed countries and less developed countries would be, as I said above about finding and producing (less developed countries) what they need rather than just buying it (more developed countries).

Mr. Wilson said...

What is the role between energy use and sustainability? Does more energy use automatically mean a country is less sustainable? Does money have any bearing (impact) on sustainability? Why do the factors mentioned (per capita energy, % income spent on food, etc.) indicate whether a country is more or less developed?